Service overview improved
Previously, service providers were unable to get an idea of the number of machines per visit type. In version 1.7 you are able to get this information in a useful overview. You can instantly track - for example - how many overhauls are overdue. This information is, of course, only available when the scope of a Service Provider is selected.
In addition, we improved the search functionality by adding filters. Drilling down the service overview to a specific type of customer is a lot easier now. It does not require exporting and filtering the spreadsheet manually anymore. The added filter-options are status code, contract type, and dealer machines (yes/no).
Added export-functionality
Admin recommendation overview
In version 1.7 you can export the admin recommendation overview. You can find the overview by going to ADMIN > RECOMMENDATIONS.
License overview
In addition to the report (PDF-format), it is now also possible to get all license information in an XML format. You can export this file by going to LICENSES and clicking on EXPORT.
User overview improved
Two columns were added to improve navigating through the user overview (ADMIN > USER MAINTENANCE). Finding out to what organization users are assigned was not always easy. Especially when managing users on a higher organization-level. The user overview now shows the parent of the user's organization and the respective service provider.
Unassigned maintenance improved
We expanded the functionality of the Unassigned Maintenance overview. In the previous versions you were only able to get machine details and relevant data after the machine was assigned. Now you can go to a detailed machine overview the same way it is possible for assigned machines.
By clicking on the MACHINE ID you can view the data we have. Note that the available information can be limited since it concerns unassigned machines.
Finally, you can filter the Unassigned Maintenance overview according to the machines' connectivity state. This way, you can quickly find out which machines are connected and sending data but not visible to your customers:
Remove Controlled by ERP-flag
As most of you know by now, some machines are Controlled by ERP. Meaning, when changes are made in SAP (for example, moving a machine from site A to site B), these changes will be reflected in Smartlink. If a machine is not controlled by ERP, machines in Smartlink move independently from your SAP setup. Until now, it was not possible for local admins to change this. Only global admins were able to turn on/off the controlled by ERP functionality.
By going to the machine overview (MACHINES > ALL MACHINES > LIST VIEW) you can edit the machine's information (ACTION MENU > EDIT > turn on/off Controlled by ERP flag > SAVE).
- Internal sales roles are being assigned to customers
- Fix business indicators visibility
- Recommendation repository overview vs detail
- When uploading ES commissioning file, machines don't get the ERP number and scope
- Trends - axis are wrong
- External API - getRHbyERPnumber - remove leading zeroes
- Improve visualization of energy report
- NullReferenceException in SendEventNotification
- Loading Events: solution NOK
- License Overview - blank page
- life cycle state = 1 still taken into account in the menu search
- SQL database Invalid column name 'SiteID'
- Bugsrework => Service Overview - ERP data
- Socket exceptions in T and Q
- Clamp registration. min chars NOK
- When deleting a measurement point from a trendgraph, the screen goes blank
- Investigate drive type mapping exceptions on Q
- Cannot disable a recommendation from Recommendations Overview
- Machine details 500
- Error during registration
- Consistency issue in the service overview/export