Version 2.13 - What's new?

Release date: May 13, 2022

Room view

In order to build further on recommendations for sites, rather than individual machines, we need to know what the installation looks like. Data on the way machine are interconnected can help our algorithms to suggest more intelligent recommendations. Also, knowing the compressor room's layout can add a lot of value to the technical support process. In version 2.13, it is possible to map your compressor room by dragging and dropping machines on a canvas.

Monthly service provider report

Reporting is a vital part of growth but it requires time and effort to do this properly. So far, we have mainly focused on making reporting easier for our customers. However, we have noticed internal users creating manual reports in spreadsheets every month because many KPIs are only available in SMARTLINK. To make this process easier, it is now possible to receive an automated mail with a marketing report for service providers. The report contains the KPIs used to measure the Connect-Adopt-Monetize goals, for example:

  • Number of disconnected machines
  • Number of logins
  • Number of licenses

Smartclamp improvements

Several improvements were made to the Smartclamp feature. On commissioning, you can now manually set the hours till the next visit and enter the last visit or installation date. This enables SMARTLINK/ICONS to calculate the next service more accurately. Moreover, when servicing a machine connected via a clamp device, you can manually adjust the running and loaded hours. This might be required to correct the clamp's deviations from the actual hours.


  • SmartAirnet Commissioning: Scenario 2 Gateway Bugs
  • SmartAirnet BE - Gateway commissioning (SmartBox) - Update commisioning BE flow - Give license to gateway
  • Room View - Edit Mode Phase 1 Bugs
  • App API - change required part 3
  • App API - Measurement unit decimals not returned correctly
  • Contracts with same start / end date
  • Bug - BE AppApi missing fr-Fr in the supported culture 
  • AF ContractLicenseSynchronizer - Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_MachineLicense'.
  • Trial emails sent twice