Version 2.0 - What's New?

Release date: May 26, 2021

Frequent warnings and shutdowns overview

A new overview has been created to track warnings and shutdowns specifically (you can find it in the health section). There are different tabs enabling you to make a distinction between different warning/shutdown events. You can then filter by occurrence (frequency of shutdowns in a specific period) and status code. Finally, you can export the overview to Excel if required.

Improved commissioning for distributor machines

Previously, distributor machines (status code ZIND, ZNDC, ZWDC) were skipped in the auto commissioning flow and always had to be added manually. Even though we don't know where to assign distributor machines exactly, it can still be useful to commission them to a generic site. Therefore, it is possible to check a box on the Customer Center level that will assign these machines automatically. Every distributor machine will then be added to the corresponding distributor as defined in SAP.

NOTEThis setting can only be changed on the customer center level. Be mindful that it impacts the workflow of every distributor within your scope.

Airchitect scan command

A new Smartbox command can activate an Airchitect scan. This mode collects data for the purpose of analyzing it in Airchitect. Similar to the Engineering scan, this mode triggers a very high upload frequency. It is therefore only possible to activate the scan for one machine at a time. Also, it involves an extra cost that should be taken into account by the Customer Center. When the scan is completed, you can export all required measurement points and upload them to Airchitect. 

NOTEThe differences between Airchitect scan and an Engineering scan:
  • Airchitect scan lasts 8 days instead of 7
  • Airchitect scan only uploads a limited set of MP's that are required in Airchitect. This saves on data cost compared to the Engineering scan

Later his year, we will release a full integration with Airchitect. This allows the command to be sent from within Airchitect without having to export and upload the data manually.

Improved monthly service overview mail

The content of the monthly service overview has been improved. It now contains more information and clear call-to-action buttons. In addition to the service overview, it also shows sections for active recommendations, warnings, and shutdowns.

ES file upload: combine with history of an old machine

Whenever a machine gets replaced and commissioned with an ES file, you lose the history of the old machine. Version 2.0 allows the history of the old and new machines to be merged.

Scope selector improved

The UX of the scope selector has been improved. It is now easier to search by specific organization types as you would in the Organization Maintenance overview. Additionally, you can get more details (parent, service by, organization type). You can set your scope by clicking on the three dots and select scope.

New connectivity states

New connectivity states have been added to the connectivity overview: initizializing, lost, transit, and disconnected.

Improved service status for contracted machines

Previously, any machine with a contract always showed the service status 'service is good'. However, the reasoning behind this logic does not apply to every type of contract. That's why we now only show this message whenever the status code is ZWWC. In every other case, we also indicate when service is due or overdue.

Multiple FAM codes per CC

Multiple FAM codes can be linked per customer center. In the organization details, you can add or remove FAM codes with the plus sign or trash icon. 

Landing page for

When a user accesses without scanning a QR code or after signing in (redirected) we show a dedicated landing page. This page replaces the icons website we previously used as destination.

Activate SIM card command improved

In Fleet Management, re-activating a suspended SIM card was only possible when the machine was online. Now it is also possible to send the Activate SIM card command when the machine is offline.

ERP control flag improved

When the service provider of a site or customer changes, it does not always make sense to keep the ERP-controlled state true (if applicable). Therefore, in case the new service provider is a distributor or a regional distributor, the ERP Controlled state will always be turned off (i.e., false) automatically.


  • External API returns error details when a 500 error occurred
  • Include unassigned machines in the job that checks for data mode discrepancies
  • Reporting offline 90 days(?)