Version 3.5 - What's New?

Release date (Europe): June 26, 2023
Release date (China): June 27, 2023


  • Ability to set min/max thresholds in SMART AIRnet sensors to receive alerts
  • Floating window reworked
  • UI components changed for the sensor configuration page
  • Hide remote start/stop functionality of Nanocontrollers in SMARTLINK app
  • Updated terms and conditions of the website


  • Exceptions during Monthly Reporting
  • Vulnerability finding - Bearer token in local storage
  • Percentage Failed Requests above 50% within 4 hours
  • SmartAirnet: wrong FK for MeasurementUnit
  • SearchAll - SQL query improvement in site search
  • ScopeSelection - SQL query improvements
  • performance; select service provider
  • Requests GET TrendGraph/GetMachineOperationalState with machineId 0
  • Cannot change user organization
  • Trendgraph colour not matching the legend