Version 2.12 - What's new?

Release date: May 13, 2022

Unverified user (UX improvement)

In the user details (User Maintenance), the chip highlighting the user- role is now colored red for unverified users. This indicates admin action is required.

Trend graph (UX improvement)

Previously, when adding a trend to a page, long machine names were not completely visible. In the new version, a tooltip pops up when you hoover over a machine.


  • Error while verifying user
  • App api - some changes required part 1
  • Smart Airnet Update Pre-Commissioned Sensors Bugs
  • App api - change required part 2
  • SmartAirnet Scenario 4 Sensors
  • Upgrade airgrid-core npm package, so that no license warning is displayed.
  • Restrict reporting period for custom reports
  • Smartbox replacement, model mismatch resolution not working
  • Generating energy report causes exceptions on production