Version 2.17 - What's new?

Release date: October 14, 2022

China split

In order to comply with Chinese law and keep SMARTLINK available in China, we are migrating Chinese data to a local cloud provider. Simply put, we will have an identical version of SMARTLINK hosted in China. Not only is developing this split important for maintaining continuity of service in China, we are now also better prepared in case other countries start enforcing similar laws.

Reworked notification groups

As announced, SMARTLINK will offer basic notifications via push for all users. In order to make this happen, we had to rework our notification groups. One of these changes are the personal notification settings. These are the basic settings enabled for every user by default (no more manual activation needed). The personal settings only allow users to switch on/off the notifications for email, push or SMS. Keep in mind, machines without a license have limitations. Notifications are only sent during business hours (defined on service provider level) and via push. Downloading the mobile app is therefore required. Furthermore, advanced notification settings (previously known as notification groups) are only available with a license.

NOTEBasic notifications for all users will become available when we release SMARTLINK 4.0 (beginning of next year).

Enhanced company details

By learning more about our customers, we can improve our service. With this in mind, we have added extra fields to the company details for users to complete. This additional information can help generate recommendations and tailor the user experience.

Total C02 in energy overview

As the focus on connectivity enabled sustainability is increasing, the KPI dashboard for energy efficiency has been improved. In the highlighted KPIs, you will now find the total C02 count to keep track of your calculated emissions.

Other improvements

  • Commissioning flow and ERP sync: block Chinese scope
  • Improved SMS template for recommendations
  • Added trial license button
  • Updated privacy notice and cookie policy (OneTrust)
  • User settings (personal notification type toggles)
  • Push notification translations and improvement to template
  • Optimize event page for recommendations
  • Tooltip with information about the operational state


  • Trendgraph zoom reset incorrect
  • Unauthorised exception in IWA isUserAllowed
  • Sensordata not showing in Trendgraph
  • Offline machine sending data/communicating
  • Energy reports failed because the BrandId of the Organization is null
  • BUGfix rediscache EnergyParametersSet include EnergyParameters 
  • SmartAirnet FE - Sensor data is not shown for Customer users
  • Wrong contract information
  • Freq. Warnings & Shutdowns not loading
  • Reports - recipients  are duplicated in tooltip and user count
  • Part numbers button is not visible
  • Trend graph axis  bin size NOK
  • Diagnostic Dashboard - Event is set to AutoRemoved after manual status change
  • Trendgraph - sometimes data for >30 days cannot be displayed
  • ICONS email has SMARTLink text
  • iframe Freshdesk not working
  • Wrong brand in notification email template
  • Trendgraph - Advanced setting not working (white screen)
  • End Tools and Vessels showing GUID + Upgrading airgrid npm package to 2.0.5
  • AQM device - raw data not showing