Version 2.11 - What's new?

Release date: March 28, 2022

Support Nano controller replacement

Whenever a Nano controller has to be replaced in the field, this process has to be supported in SMARTLINK/ICONS. Similar to replacing a Smartbox, the system will make sure that the incoming data of the old and new controller is mapped correctly to the same machine.

Change subscription settings of monthly service report

Users assigned to a customer organization, receive an e-mail every month with a service overview. This is an automatic report you receive by default. Previously, it wasn't possible for users to deactivate this report for the complete site. In version 2.11, it is possible to deselect the checkbox so the system stops sending the report to all linked users.

Sales organization (sales group) improved

When assigning the sales group of a site, the system now checks if this sales organization is linked to the same customer center as the service provider. There were multiple sales groups in SAP that were linked to the wrong country (customer center). This data issue was reflected in SMARTLINK but now has been corrected. All sales groups linking to wrong customer centers have been removed.

Other improvements

  • Connect, adopt, and monetize sections for the new service provider report are ready (coming soon)
  • Automatic upload of measurement points from Airtec
  • Improved heartbeat handling (for Nano controller)
  • Improved commissioning flow for unverified users
  • Diagnostic dashboard: improved status of events removed by the system ("AutoRemoved")
  • External API improved (Airchitect)
  • App API improved


  • Bugs are still found on the report.  TR Report
  • Diagnostic dashboard - Error when creating COPS ticket
  • Backoffice clear event not cleared after SB replacement
  • 2 active shutdowns are shown incorrectly 
  • App API - User settings issues
  • As a customer user, I shouldn't be able to download MPs from an unlicensed machine 
  • MachineComLost & BackofficeComLost active should be split
  • Events are shown as Even type failures instead of the correct EventType
  • The state bar disappears in the trend graph  when selecting 'show all equipment states'
  • Error while commissioning a clamp, create new customer 
  • Resources wrongly created
  • Distributor licenses not created
  • Energy KPI page data export not working
  • Addonmode vMP 15167 and 15166 are not correct
  • Recommendations not visible or cannot be found as recurrent