Version 2.16 - What's new?

Release date: August 23, 2022

Improved registration flow (by invitation)

When registering by invitation, users previously had to complete a registration form twice: once in SMARTLINK/ICONS and once again in Microsoft Azure. To make things easier, you will now only enter your information in Microsoft Azure. This info is then automatically pushed to SMARTLINK/ICONS to complete your account.

Collect marketing attributes during registration

In addition to operational data, our connectivity solution can also collect information helping us create more value for our customers. In version 2.16, new users will be asked to complete their company details. Information includes the impact of a compressor standstill on production, the impact of the compressed air installation on the energy bill, and to what extend maintenance should be the responsibility of the supplier. The window with the form will popup the first time users sign in but can be ignored.

Warning when adding archived machines as Not Connected

Some machines are removed (archived) automatically or by mistake. When trying to add the machine again, the system will not recognize the unit as connected. It will suggest to add the unit as a Not Connected machine. Most likely, this is not the best way to proceed because the machine you are trying to add has an upload device. Instead, you should recover the removed machine. SMARTLINK/ICONS will now suggest to recover the machine whenever you are trying to add a removed machine as a Not Connected device.

Auto-commission Not Connected machines when they become connected

When machines without an upload device (Not Connected) become connected, the system will run the commissioning flow. If the machine was unassigned, it will be assigned automatically based on COPS data. It also might update additional data from Service Connect or add the ATR parameters once the reference model is available.


  • machineconnectionstate not updated accordingly after auto-archived
  • Fix delete Site functionality to ignore uploaddevices
  • Trend graph issues
  • report and UI values not aligned
  • Trend graph state bar nok - show all equipment state
  • Add unfitted machine - error 400
  • SmartAirnetDevices are shown in Gateways Configuration When SensorType = NULL
  • Smartbox replacement: Archive old uploaddevice, not new
  • Critical trend graph bugs
  • Add localhost to connect-src
  • Universal URL for user invitation fix
  • Global customers cannot be edited
  • Single Machine Overview bugs
  • Company details popup not showing for users who are related to a Customer above a site
  • Default Energy Price Bugs - Currency not set by CC
  • Pop-up doesn't show when adding an unfitted machine
  • License MP Matrix Bugs
  • User name not populated from B2C after invitation
  • Company details three fields - Not moving slider creates NULL value
  • Filter Reset NOK for Custom MP Overview
  • download report for distributor not allowing Energy section
  • Map not shown on