Version 3.2 - What's new?

Release date (Europe): May 31, 2023
Release date (China): June 1, 2023


  • Air Quality Monitoring dashboard - first version released
  • Smartbox IO - configuration improvements


  • Event - Originator contains a linebreak in MS Edge
  • Dashboard header - Icons not correct color
  • Role maintenance - I can remove all users from the ' Global admin' role
  • Menu search - number of issues
  • FIlter panel content after resizing incorrect.
  • Icons and test not vertically centered
  • Layout issue
  • component not  ok
  • organization maintenance: after scope change, the view is not updated
  • Recommendation notification email layout on T doesn't look good
  • Search field doesn't work properly
  • Geolocation for organizations contains a non-UTF-8 string
  • BUG - BE AppAPI Machine/GetMachineSetting the day in the app does not match the day in the response.
  • Today Service Does Not Appear When Report Reporting Period Ends Today
  • Energy Report - Bugs
  • Bug AppAPI Machine/GetMachineListByOrganization TotalCount is not filled
  • Timeout Exports
  • Ext Api return backofficecomlost as active event
  • Service provider dashboard v2 - KPIs not updated
  • ES file not working 
  • User name not populated from B2C after invitation
  • External API - Search/MachinesAndSites (for Airchitect) behaving different than portal
  • Feedback 60311 - Report overview: 1 translation
  • Redesign Issues task 64326: Admin - Recommendation overview
  • Issues Task 64335: Admin - user maintenance overview
  • Issues Task 64336: Admin - user maintenance overview - Edit/New
  • Feedback: Admin - Diagnostic maintenance - overview
  • Move EVents To new AFA. ServicehistoryHandler gives SQL exceptions when processing messages
  • Diagnostics Recurrent event is not working.
  • Diagnostics Event not created with event  types 50 & 60
  • BusinessRulePrioritiesHandler   Null reference exception .
  • External API - GetRHByERP v2 - long process time
  • Uptime tab SPM visible but inaccessible
  • MySubscription page crashes when no machines are present 
  • Forget me function not working anymore
  • Leakage detection details page returns unconverted start/end time when no graph items are present
  • SmartAirnet FE - Company settings - not possible to save only reference sensor change
  • Recommendation overview: filter on machinetype not working
  • Trendgraphs - Cannot add >2 points
  • AQM Custom Event(s) are overwritten when the timestamp in sensormessages is the same
  • Company settings - missing the Energy recovery cost settings 
  • Resources - Search cannot hadble special characters 
  • SearchAll query not stable
  • GET Availability/GetSiteUptimeWidget InvalidOperationExceptions
  • SmartAirnet Dashboard - Pressure graph last category label incorrect
  • Diagnostics - Diag_AutoCopsTicketCreation_Failed recommendations
  • Smartbox IO FE - Analog 3 AI01: with Dewpoint list of UoM is empty
  • Not able to move users to other organizations
  • Delete user fails
  • CC admins can assign Global Diagnostic roles
  • Visit report missing in timeline
  • Calendar- for some users the days are wrong
  • Fix the google font issues with the auto-translations
  • Users need to re-auth too frequently 
  • missing symbols on Energy parameters & moving the license the teaser to the container 
  • Global customer queries are slow
  • Smartbox IO FE: redesign issues
  • Smartbox IO FE: Machine State - Cos Phi: negative value not allowed, should be allowed
  • ERP syncs missing Smartlink Factory licenses for machines
  • Getting site dashboard priority notifications generates a 500 error
  • New SmartAirnet license - FE - issues
  • One Portal - FE - Menu item in SMARTLINK: issues
  • Site dashboard widget, showing historic events
  • IWA "AssignAnyMachineToSite" returns "Bad Request"
  • Diagnostics fix: InvalidEnumArgumentException
  • User cannot see the notification groups
  • Machine card view says no license when there is a license
  • Report translation
  • SmartAirnet - Site Hakilla doesn't see sensors in commissioning page