Version 1.19 - What's New?

Release date: May 3, 2021

Spare part and service manual

Spare part and service manuals are from now on available to download. You can find it in the Single Machine Overview. In the machine details, a download link will show if there are files available.

Banner message for recommendations

As previously announced, multiple targeted messages will be rolled out. This message reminds users when there are active recommendations that need to be reviewed. It will make it easier to draw attention to recommendations.

NOTE: There is an article where all recommendations are listed and explained. The article makes it more clear what to do when a specific recommendation is active. You can find it here.

Add machine improved

It happens often that machines are claimed by other service providers. When you try adding a new machine, the system will now tell you by which service provider it is claimed and which admin to contact. This eliminates the step of creating a myQUEST ticket for Airpower to request support.

Reset filter

The filter menu now has a reset button to remove all applied filters. Instead of removing every single filter criterium, you can now reset the overview with one click.

CO2 values added automatically

Whenever a new site is being created automatically, the CO2 values in the company settings.

Improved subscription flow

Customers without a license will now be informed more clearly that a paid license is required for some features. Users get this message when they try opening an overview they have no access to, Also, if the user never had a trial license before, a button will show. This button instantly activates a trial.

Sanity checks

The system will now automatically check whether machines have the right access based on the applicable license. For example, if a machine's license is expired but it's part of a notification group, the system runs checks to make sure the notification feature is disabled.

Improved filter (event overview)

Machine events can now be filtered by the active contract or status code.

Save filter in unassigned machine overview

When using the unassigned machine overview, you will likely leave this page from time to time to check machine details. However, once you come back, the filters used to find specific machines, are not saved. From now on, your filter criteria will be saved so you don't have to set the same filter over and over. 

Improved filter (organization maintenance)

As a service provider, you can now click on the "Sites without registered users" target. It will direct you to the organization maintenance page. In this page, new settings have been added to the filter helping you to investigate the adoption of your customers: active users only (yes/no) and the number of active users.

Smartbox type added to machine overview

In a machine's details (single machine overview), the system also shows the Smartbox type.

ERP control flag in permission matrix

The option to enable/disable ERP control has been added to the permission matrix. This provides more flexibility with assigning this functionality to specific roles.

External API improved

It is now possible to get recommendations by serial number. If you need more info regarding external APIs, please contact us via myQUEST.

Measurement points added

New measurement points are supported.


  • Service overdue n/a values disappear when filtering
  • External API - sensor reading numerical values are not calculated correctly to user's UoM
  • Service Overview not showing machines in Service provider scope
  • Upload Device Filter is not applied in the Export File
  • Subscription flow issues
  • Reset Button Issues
  • Add Already Assigned Machine - NOK for external users
  • License message different between Customer vs Impersonation
  • Number of Active users not Filters through the hierarchy
  • Documents in SMO Details bug
  • Subscription report at service provider error NOK