Controlled by ERP: which data is synchronized?

Read this article to find out more about the synchronization of data between SMARTLINK / ICONS 2.0, SAP, and the old platform.


Only organization data has been migrated to the new platform. Specifically, SMARTLINK / ICONS 2.0 supports every organization where machines have been connected at least once within the last year. New organizations have to be added to the platform manually (or automatically if the data is controlled by SAP). If you wish to know how to add a new customer and site, click here.

Continue reading to find out more about the synchronization of data between SMARTLINK / ICONS 2.0, SAP, and the old platform.


When a new machine starts communicating with the SMARTLINK / ICONS 2.0 cloud for the first time, the system will try to match the serial number to customer data in SAP. Whenever a machine reboots, this process is triggered, ultimately resulting in one of three possible scenarios:

Scenario 1: the data is available in SAP and in SMARTLINK / ICONS 

In this case, SMARTLINK can match the organization data to that of the new platform. Based on this match, the machine is added to the existing customer’s site automatically. No manual admin action is required.

Scenario 2: the data is in SAP, but not yet in SMARTLINK / ICONS

SMARTLINK / ICONS goes through the SAP data and sees that the machine’s serial number is indeed linked to an install at(site). However, this organization has not been created yet in SMARTLINK / ICONS. In other words, there is no match between the organization's SAP data and SMARTLINK data. Automatically adding the machine to the right site is therefore not possible. Instead, SMARTLINK / ICONS first creates a new customer and site that mirrors the SAP data so it can add the machine. This is an automatic process, so no admin action is required.

Scenario 3: the data is not in SAP, nor in SMARTLINK / ICONS

The machine’s serial number cannot be linked to SAP data. Automatically creating sites or adding machines is therefore not possible. The admin has to take manual action and create a customer and site to add the machine. Note that SMARTLINK / ICONS data does not control SAP, but the other way around. So, if you create a customer and site in the new platform, nothing happens in SAP. If you create a customer and site in SAP, this automatically triggers the platform to do the same.

The results of this process can be found in the ERP Data Conflicts overview (for ICONS click here).


SMARTLINK / ICONS will only show KPI data from two years back. For example, you can get an energy report from 2018 to compare with reports from now.


Notification groups and report subscriptions are not migrated to the new platform. All notification groups and subscriptions have to be created again in SMARTLINK / ICONS 2.0.


Licenses created in SAP are automatically pushed through to SMARTLINK / ICONS. ACT countries do not have to use Digital License Portal to create licenses anymore. For BPCS-countries, the license portal will still be available. 

NOTE: in case you missed the memo, we have bundled the Uptime and Energy (= Optime in ICONS) licenses with our Service Plans. As a result, there is no need to sell these licenses separately.


If you still use the old platform, all changes made until January 20 have been migrated to the new platform for one last time. In case you still use the old platform and add/change organization data after this datee, your changes will not be supported in the new platform.