Version 1.18 - What's New?

Release date: April 12, 2021

Targeted marketing banner

As a first step toward marketing automation, the personalized banner now also shows targeted marketing messages. Previously, the banner was only used to indicate the status of equipment and whether service was needed. The marketing messages extend this logic to increase our connection rate, user adoption, and direct revenue from license sales. The first series of six targeted messages have been released with this version but you can expect more to come. For any suggestions to add or improve messages, we kindly request to create a myQUEST ticket. See three examples below:


Enhanced trial activation

Trial licenses are an important step to both increase user adoption as well as increasing license sales. We decided to make it easier for customers to activate a trial license and receive notifications. To this end, users will be welcomed with a pop-up message recommending to activate the free three-month trial license. With just one click on a button, the trial and a default notification group will be activated.

Customer role impersonation

For internal users, it is often useful to check what customers see in the portal. As of now, most admins probably have created a 'dummy' account to login with a customer role. With the role impersonation feature, internal users can switch between their own view and that of a customer. You can toggle the customer view in the menu in the top right corner. A dark-themed banner indicates that you are impersonating a customer.

Add machine improved

When adding equipment, little information is provided regarding the serial number you are trying to assign. In order to make this process more transparant, three fields have been added that will populate automatically when you enter a serial number: FAM code, possible location, and last connection date. Although the field for the machine name is not new, it will be auto-populated to make the process easier.

Improved service provider dashboard

The targets card in the service provider dashboard has been extended with more KPI's: registered machines, licenses, duplicated serial numbers, and user to verify.

Contact service provider improved

In order to improve tracking of incoming contact request generated by SMARTLINK/ICONS, we have removed the email information from the contact page. Customers can now only reach out to the quote manager through the platform. The email received by the quote manager has also been improved. It now includes more information about the site (customer name, site name, list of serial numbers).

End of support for Internet Explorer 11

Microsoft switched from Internet Explorer to Edge some time ago. As a result, many websites - including the Atlas Copco website - stopped supporting Internet Explorer 11. We decided to follow this lead and stop support as well.


Unassigned machines improved

When unassigning a machine, there used to be three options: Unassign and keep the machine history, Unassign and remove the machine history; and Remove machine. To avoid confusion it is now only possible to Unassign and Remove or Remove the machine. This means that you either unassign with the intention to reassign the machine or remove the machine completely (e.g., when the machine is being scrapped).

Smartbox replacement improved

From now on, we will support the automatic Smartbox replacements for MKVs.

Enable low data trend graphs (rollback changes version 1.16-1.17)

Based on your feedback, we decided to reverse the changes made in version 1.16 and 1.17: Trend graphs are available again for machines in low data mode. 

Quote request improved

Multiple UI improvements were made to the 'select a license' window.

Service date estimation improved

We improved the accuracy of the next service date by using the average running hours per day. In the past, the estimation was based on the assumption every machine had run 24 hours per day. By using an average amount of running hours per day, this estimation will now be more accurate.

Connectivity & Disconnected machine overview improved

The filters in the connectivity and disconnected machine overview have been improved. You can now also set the contract or status code filter to No Contract Data and No ERP data respectively.


  • Add missing explanation text and total text
  • Service timeline: when service order is not covered by current contract, contract info is not shown
  • Energy parameters defaults sorting doesn't work properly
  • NullReference Exceptions after release 1.11
  • Add the trend setting back in the trend graph module
  • Add machines after creating customer/site nok
  • KPI Uptime site level
  • Filters not working connectivity overview
  • Health overview in customer scope not showing correct values
  • Machines in usage overview are not counted correctly
  • Impersonation transition problem
  • Banner 1 - No notifications for User - several issues
  • Banner 3 - 'OR' between licenses not working?
  • Banner 13 - Expired licenses NOK
  • ERP Synchronizer is creating duplicated licenses
  • A normal site shouldn't be serviced by Airpower
  • Site banner nokExpired contracts are shown in the UI
  • Usage KPI: low data machines must be excluded
  • User invite error messages
  • Like and Dislike not visible until refresh
  • Event history NOK
  • request license upgrade - missing machines
  • Upload RH to SAP should not use isERPcontrolled flag
  • All is good banner shows an empty button
  • External API: Running hours should be integers