Release date: March 4, 2021
Key account dashboard
Key accounts previously did not have the option to get a full overview of their organization with benchmarks and KPI's. Having such an overview - similar to the dashboard of Service Providers - will enable key accounts to track performance and optimize their overall organization. This dashboard is available to global customer accounts and customers attached to it. The cards in this dashboard redirect the user to a dedicated overview (for example, an energy overview).
Export organizations
It is now possible to export the Organization Maintenance overview to Excel format.
No trend graphs for unlicensed machines
When a machine has no license, the trend graph functionality is not available. In order to avoid confusion about the availability of trend data, trend graphs will be hidden in the single machine overview. Note: for customers, this was already the case. When a machine has no license, they see a teaser of the Energy License instead.
Change organization improvement
Since a service provider always needs a quote manager, the system will block you from moving users that are assigned as such. A snack-bar message will explain the reason why your action is being blocked ("User is the quote manager"). If you want to move forward with the action, you will first have to reassign the quote manager's responsibility to another user.
Add ES6 device from site
Sequencers could only be added to your site from the Unassigned Machines overview. Adding these devices from the machine's overview or the company settings was not possible. This is improved in version 1.16.
Unassigned machine overview improved
Improved search
When searching for a machine in the Unassigned Machines overview, you were previously restricted to machines linked to your FAM-code. In some cases (e.g., multiple FAM-codes) this limitation was not practical. From now on, you can search unassigned machines by any serial number independent of the FAM-code.
Export functionality
It is now also possible to export the unassigned machine overview.
Improved contract hiding logic
The logic when to show or hide contract information has been improved. Whenever an organization is not linked to SAP - so we don't know of any contracts - fields that usually contain contract information remain hidden.
Distributor organization improved
Distributor machines are sometimes controlled by ERP, which makes little sense in Smartlink/Icons. It caused machines to move automatically according to the settings in SAP. To prevent this from happening, the system will remove the ERP Controlled flag when machines are assigned to distributor organizations.
Diagnostic dashboard improved
Several improvements were made to improve the usability of the diagnostic dashboard. Diagnostic engineers will experience better performance and an improved UI.
Trial licenses improved
Similar to other machines, when an ES6 has a trial license, high data mode will be activated. The same applies to Uptime and Energy licenses.
Digital License Portal sync improved
From now on, with every SPM retrofit kit ordered, a 1-year SPM license will be generated automatically in DLP. This license is assigned to the machine that will be retrofitted and has to be processed in Smartlink/Icons accordingly. As a result, it was necessary to improve the synchronization of SPM licenses between Digital License Portal and Smartlink/Icons. More information about SPM can be found here.
ERP sync improved
General improvements were made to the synchronization between SAP and Smartlink/Icons.
External API improved
A new endpoint was developed to get the machines' parent data and the latest sensor data. If you have any questions about using external APIs, please contact us via myQUEST.
- Mandatory fields are not focused in red when needed
- Layout mobile service timeline
- Review the layout for adding new machines
- Resizing autocomplete multiselect in filter not working
- Filter options not resources?
- Change parent not working
- Disconnected overview: filter nok
- Filters don't work in Map search - Root Scope
- Include VisibleForDistributors Column on Excel from 'Recommendations' Overview
- ArgumentNullExceptionsExceptions in InternalWebAPI
- When deleting a site, remove it also from spmsite table
- Diagnostic dashboard - Not possible to "assign to (me)" when event is in status "OnHold"
- DLP license sync broken
- KPI Usage Overview for Customer - several issues
- KPI Energy for Customers - several issues
- KPI questions - bugs in several overviews
- Emails from DiagnosticsCOPSRecipient not delivered correctly
- KPI Uptime - several issues
- KPI Usage - Data is NOK
- Test Improvement of Contract Hiding Logic
- Default distributor license not getting updated
- KPI Energy - small data issues
- Email not getting send
- KPI Uptime - data issues
- Bug Search for Anything field