Release date: February 10, 2021
Download visit report
It is now possible to download visit reports from the service overview. Each time a service visit has been completed and the report created, it will automatically show up so customers can download it from the portal.
NOTE: Currently, only visit reports from 2/28/2021 onward are available for download. We are reviewing the possibility to make older reports available too.
Custom measurement points
Some devices send datapoints to Smartlink that are not recognized because they are custom. In order to map these datapoints and give you insight into these trends, you can now configure custom measurement points. All uploaded data points that cannot be mapped by Smartlink will be available in the Custom Measurement Points overview. Here, you can select and add these data as a custom measurement point. A dedicated article for more information will be published.
NOTE: When you add a custom measurement point, make sure to select StatisticalWeightedAvg as the register value type. This is the only way to trend this data in Smartlink.
Improved notification groups
Event section
The event section in your notification group settings now shows how many types within an event-category were selected. Previously, you had to expand every category to see if all event types were really selected.
Recipient list
When you are on site-level, it was not possible to select users from customer-level (the parent) as a recipient for the notification group. From now on, you can also find the users assigned to the customer - not the site - in this recipient list.
Improved Running Hour overview
A column to sort the Running Hour overview by service provider has been added.
Trend graph for unassigned machines
In previous versions, it was not possible to trend data of unassigned machines. Now, when you go to the Single Machine overview of an unassigned machine, you can use the trend graph functionality for further analysis.
Trend graph improved
When step interpolation is selected as trend graph setting, the trend line did not change when the actual value changed. The change was already visual midway. As this results in an inaccurate visualization, the trend line now only changes at the point where the value changes as well.
Site deletion improved
Sometimes an error occurred when deleting a site. This happened when the removal of a linked machine was not being processed correctly. This means that the machine became hidden from the portal but still linked to the site in our database. As a result, the system did not allow you to delete the site due to linked machines. In the new version, the removal of a machine is being processed correctly so you can delete sites without problems.
Handle suspended machines
As mentioned in the previous two releases, we had to introduce an additional connectivity state: suspended. As of now, there is a daily job in place to handle these suspended machines. In other words, we will check every day which machines are suspended, if they should remain this way, and whether we must update the connectivity status.
Global customer: serviced by Airpower
Global customer organizations can now be serviced by Airpower as well.
Company settings improved
When a site has an Energy Recovery (ER) unit, you have to change your site's settings and input two values: value ER settings and energy recovered conversion kWh to CO2. However, since not many sites have an ER unit, the settings will remain hidden to avoid confusion. When there is an ER unit present on the site, the settings will show.
External API availability: Uptime
A new API endpoint was created to push uptime data to SAP.
Key account dashboard page
In order to give key accounts a clear overview of their global installed base, we started developing a dedicated dashboard. The key account dashboard is available to global customer accounts and to customer accounts below. It shows cards with different KPI's. This makes it easy to compare the performance of different areas within the key account's organization.
Connectivity overview improved
The connectivity overview previously only allowed a filter by one service provider. However, it can be useful to filter this overview by multiple service providers. In addition to this improvement, there is now a new filter option that groups all distributors.
Clamp connectivity state
Previously, the connectivity state of a Clamp was flagged offline after 30 days. However, it makes more sense for a Clamp to extend this to 90 days. From now on, when we did not receive a heartbeat for 90 days or longer, the clamp is flagged offline.
- Filters in machine overview don't show until 'apply filter' is selected
- Too much white space in infinite scroll pages
- Diagnostics - Create a Zendesk Ticket - COPS ticket gets "created"
- Internal Licenses not applied correctly to external users?
- Connectivity overview - Multi-select Component should be a list
- Trengraph from Unassigned Machine doesn't have same Functionality
- Customer MP - several issues
- Create Custom MP - several issues
- Diagnostic dashboard - detail page - ticket history opens same ticket
- Check New Uploaded Custom MP's - several issues
- Exceptions during ResetAndRerunCommisioning
- Assign work center to organization not working anymore(?)
- On clamp commissioning, a record in a machineconnectionstate is not created
- Custom MP not updated in UI once they are edited
- Error uploading an ES commissioning file (resetting the commissioning state)
- Issues with contract / license handling
- Filter not closing after application
- SPM reinitialization API not working (?)
- Site usage overview working NOK
- SB-Adapter: CommunicationToken blocked metric not working
- Link on name in event history doesn't work