Our new release (Version 1.1) includes new features, improvements and bug fixes.
Some overviews (e.g., machine overview) could take some time to load, especially when there was a lot of data to be loaded. Higher scopes with access to more data, such as Customer Centers, typically had to wait a little longer. The speed has now been improved significantly, resulting in a better User Experience for everyone.
From now on, internal users have access to an overview where Smartbox commands for selected machines can be executed. The available commands in Version 1.1 are GetSnapshot and RebootSmartbox.
As most of you have noticed, not all export buttons were functioning. In Version 1.1, the following export functionalities are implemented for the:
- Service overview;
- User overview;
- Running hours;
- And machine overview.
Version 1.1 allows service providers to decide whether users can register automatically or have to be verified first. If the automatic registration feature is selected, the system automatically creates a new customer/site and assign the user and machines to the correct service provider. If the option has not been selected, the service provider still has to go through the verification process of each user. You can find this feature in ORGANIZATION MAINTENANCE. Find out more here.
As some of you may know, the SMARTCLAMP is about to be released. For more contact regarding the clamp, contact us via myQUEST.
Users are now able to visit the website of their service provider (if available) from the CONTACT US page.
When entering the website, users will now be greeted with a message based on their machines' health performance too. Therefore, the color of the header will now also turn red if your machines' have a high risk of sudden breakdowns.
Admins can get an improved overview of duplicated serial numbers. In the overview, it is now possible to select the correct machine (other machines will be archived). As a result, duplicated serial numbers can be easily resolved.
In this version, recommendations are available in the admin menu. Based on your feedback we can make these recommendations more accurate. Customers will not be able to see these recommendations, yet. For the moment, they will still see the message "no recommendations found".
Contract information for organizations that are not controlled by ERP (no link between platform and SAP) was not always accurate. Contract information for these organizations is now hidden.
In the previous version, the top bar showed only the name of the site. It was difficult to determine who the site belonged to because many sites have the same name.
- Report showing an extra day of info
- Inaccurate contract info
- Missing S/N
- Filter not showing correct results
- Reports don't show all the events from all the machines
- Energy Efficiency information from the report does not match the Energy Efficiency information from SL2
- No confirmation message after adding a machine
- SMARTCLAMP registration
- Cannot sign in using subbrand pages
- Export Running Hours overview for CC user
- Machine overview export not working
- Resources are not being saved
- Duplicated service machine licenses get added since this year
- UI format NOK
- download MP reports - missing custom date selection
- Service overview NOK for Service Branches/Global customers
- Invited user cannot load the registration follow up page
- Global customer not shown in the scope selection
- Energy Parameters REFERENCEMODEL column empty
- Energy Parameters Defaults UNASSIGNEDMACHINESCOUNT column has negative values
- Add new recommendation repository item, missing multitext
- Quote email sent to Steven (ICT)
- Machine overview
- Service entity maintenance - console errors
- When selecting UK measurement system the page breaks
- Notification group setup: empty list
- Duplicate S/N - resolution screen let's me choose the incorrect machines
- User is not deleted from [ReportSubscriptionRecipient] after the organization is changed
- Service not showing correctly in overview
- Error report App
- Service Good or Due?
- Cannot see my smartclamp deice in Card view or List View
- SMO overview smartclamp issues
- I can see my health overview frmo smart clamp SMO
- Service state nok for clamp
- Upgrading to Uptime is not possible (button does not exist)
- Duplicated serial numbers - resolution screen - several issues
- Health score: Search NOK
- Energy widget not showing the right data to internal users
- Search in Service overview does not work properly
- When changing the time zone, reporting period is not reflected in graphs correctly
- S/N duplicated overview - last communication column is NOK
- duplicate Serial Number overview shows archived machines
- After re-parenting a Regional distributor, the organization changes correctly, but in the tree of organization maintenance overview it also remains with the last distributor
- Last communication not correct
- SmartEvent system batch fails
- Missing machines in machineConnectionState stable
- Lifecyclestate = 1 machines are shown in the search