Version 1.4 - What's New?

Improved e-mail notification

The subject line of e-mail notifications now includes event info, the customer's name and the site's name.

Signal strength indicator in Machine Details

In the machine details section (Machines > select machine) we now show the received signal strength indicator (RSSI).

NOTE: the scale goes from 0 to 31 (with 0 indicating the weakest signal and 31 the strongest). The RSSI needs to be at least 10 to get a continuous flow of data.

Map view improvements

The map view now includes a search field with filters. For example, you can now search using the serial number or filter the map view to offline or licensed machines only.

Also, the coloring that caused some confusion among admins has been changed. All dots are now blue.

Finally, when you click on a machine's location pin, a card pops up with some machine details. The link to the detailed machine overview is now included as well (click DETAILS).

Filter service timeline

In the new version, you can filter which machines should be shown in the service timeline. For example, you can select one specific machine and view its service timeline.

Unassign Airnet units

Based on your requests, we have enabled you to unassign Airnet units. From now on, you do not have to log a myQUEST ticket anymore to do this.

Move machines to another site

We noticed that many requests for support are related to organizational restructuring, specifically moving machines from one site to another. In the previous versions, when moving a machine, you had to unassign and reassign the unit. In the new version, you can move machines with only a few clicks (ALL MACHINES > LIST VIEW > three dots > MOVE).

Specific event types for distributors

Distributors can now specify events when creating notification groups. This was already possible for internal admins while distributors (external users) were only able to select the complete category.

Mouse-over for list views

Because columns in list views are not always wide enough to show the full values. In version 1.4, when you hover over a value, a balloon shows the complete value.


  • Changing parent of customer
  • License filter root-level NOK
  • Processing removed machines when uploading commissioning file NOK
  • Investigate Matlab coefficients and ATR API results
  • System message: upload device should have serial number
  • Error during delete
  • Recommendation issues SPM
  • Smart events get remove per machine, not per channel
  • Search and filtering for organizations does not work when moving machines to another site
  • Clamp commissioning: take life-cycle state into account
  • No flag nor country code next to phone number
  • Portal socket exceptions
  • Energy efficiency report graphs are not scaled nor centered to the full width of the page
  • User interface not instantly updated when managing SPM licenses
  • SPM Overview Machines Trend Graphs are empty