Version 1.14 - What's New?

Release date: January 11, 2021
Updated: January 20, 2021

[UPDATED] Notification groups improved

Add new machines automatically

Several users already assumed that new machines and new sites were being added to notification groups automatically. Until today, this was not the case. In order to make it easier to update notification groups, this functionality has now been added for Service Providers. This feature is optional and has to be selected in the notification settings when creating a new group. For existing notification groups, we already turned on the setting.




Apply automatic filter

This functionality allows internal users to create advanced notification groups based on specified rules (e.g., contract and status code). When setting up a notification group, you can apply the filter to find specific machines in your organization. The applied filter can be saved as a rule so machines are added or removed accordingly. The added filters are status code, contract, and license type.

IMPORTANT NOTE: New sites are not automatically added to notification groups by default. If you want this to happen, there is a small admin action required:

Step 1: Select the notification group you wish to edit, wait until the machines have been loaded, and click on to the "Select machines" button


Step 2: de-select the top row and select it again

Step 3: Save the changes


From now on, every time a new site is being added within this scope, it will be added to the notification group automatically. In case you have saved a filter, only the sites and machines will be added if the conditions are met.

New KPI's

Pressure and Flow

Machines with an Energy License have now a dedicated KPI overview for Pressure and Flow.


For both machines with an Energy License as well as an Uptime license, the variable Dewpoint has also been added to the KPI overview.

Energy KPI: improved visualization 

In order to improve KPI monitoring, the Energy trend graph's visualization has been improved. Previously, the data was trended according to daily aggregates. Especially when analyzing larger reporting periods, this made it very hard to get an idea of the monthly trend. All daily aggregates had to be compressed into a rather small window. 

Whenever the reporting period is larger than 31 days, the graph now shows monthly aggregated data. This makes it easier to analyze how the energy performance is evolving.

Single Machine Overview improved

The trend graph in your Single Machine overview was limited to selecting different measurement points only. Unlike the Trend Graph overview, it was not possible to change the settings of your graph. In order to make it easier to quickly trend and analyze data, the graph settings are now also available in the Single Machine overview.

Service provider filter in machine overview

Internal users can now filter the Machine overview according to the Service Providers in the selected scope.

SAP data synchronization 

The data synchronization flow with SAP has been improved. The main problem that has been solved, is that serial numbers of machines are sometimes changed by internals in SAP or in contracts. From now on, the synchronization flow performs a few additional checks. These checks make sure that the data is being synchronized correctly even if the serial number has been changed. 

Details added to the user overview

Many admins have named their sites "Site". As a result, it is virtually impossible to determine to what organization a user belongs when you are in the user's organization details (Admin > User Maintenance > Edit user > Organization tab). In order to solve this, the overview now shows the name of the site's parent too. 

Improved organization maintenance

A flag for active users has been added to the Organization Maintenance overview. A new column indicates whether there are active users assigned to it. By applying a filter, you can also filter the overview accordingly.

Tool for creating sites (for admin-support)

If necessary, we can create or edit several sites or customers based on an Excel file. For more information, create a ticket in myQUEST.

Diagnostic Dashboard improved

Several improvements have been made to the layout of the Diagnostic Dashboard. 

Smartbox command: activate SIM card

As announced in the release notes of version 1.13, a new command has been added to the Fleet Management overview. This command must be used whenever the root problem of a suspended SIM card has been solved.


  • Resource maintenance shows multiple translations for the same resource key and language
  • Diagnostic Dashboard - Create ticket for event(s) - Cops ticket is not opened after creation
  • Pagination count doesn't work with active user's filter in organization maintenance
  • Unassigned machines map filter nok
  • KPI: Dewpoint bugs
  • Service provider filter should include all service providers below the organization selected
  • Add machine, life cycle check
  • Unassigned Maintenance - machines with duplicate S/N and LifeCycleState = 0 cannot be assigned
  • SB replacement - sending command to the old IMEI instead of the new one
  • Contracts where isdiagnostic=true are generating internal licenses not diagnostics
  • Enrich Diagnostics events with expiration dates
  • Organization maintenance - only spinner is shown, nothing seems to happen
  • Energy report - no trend graph