Release date: October 28, 2020
Improved notification group settings
For organizations with many users, it was difficult to select the recipients for your notification group. You had to find the correct users by scrolling through a long list.
In the latest version, whenever you need to create a notification group you can use a search field.
The selected users will be added to the list of recipients and can be removed by clicking on the trash-bin icon.
Link to My Subscription page
As you know, sites without any licensed machines have only limited functionality. Notification groups are therefore not available for such sites. Previously, we did not show the option to create a notification group if this was the case. However, this sometimes caused confusion and - more important - proved to be a missed opportunity to inform users about our paid features. In version 1.11, the notification settings button is available but will send the user to the My Subscription page.
SAP running hour upload
Starting from November 3, machine running hours will be uploaded from our connectivity platform to SAP to improve backoffice operations.
Last communication received - improved
In order to avoid confusion, the indicator of your connectivity status has been improved. There were some caes where machines were technically not communicating while data was still being uploaded. Of course, this appears to make little sense.
Now, whenever your machine has been uploading data more recently than the latest communication signal, the timestamp of the Lastt Data Received will be equal to Last Communication Received.
Additional columns for Recommendation Overview
Not all recommendations are visible to everyone. For this reason, columns were already included showing you which recommendations are visible to all and which are not. However, when exporting the same overview, the columns were not yet included. This has been improved in version 1.11.
SPM improvements
Error codes
A more comprehensive way of indicating errors has been developed. This ultimately improves the accuracy of your machines' SPM states.
SPM Cards
Previously, we showed 'no data' when there was not enough SPM data registered for a machine. However, in some cases, there were SPM components of that same machine that actually had enough data to at least show a historic trend. From now on, whenever there is historical data available for one of the components it is available to select and trend.
An SPM section is now available to be added to your on-off or recurring report.
Contact Atlas Copco for all users
All users, including admins, have a Contact Atlas Copco button in their menu. All outgoing communication will be received by the assigned quote manager of your organization.
Updated legal documents for ICONS
The documents of ICONS have been adapted so it will always refer to the correct legal entity.
Europe C. ARIA C. S.R.L.
BP New Zealand Exlair (NZ) Limited
Quincy US Quincy Compressor LLC.
BP Brazil Chicago Pneumatic Brasil Ltda.
ROW (excluding China) C. ARIA C. S.R.L.
ROW = Rest Of the World
Brand name added to Machine Details
The Machine Details have been extended with the brand name of the machine.
Email address with an apostrophe supported
Email addresses with apostrophe (for example, I'[email protected]) were not supported. Although it is rather exceptional, we now support these email addresses too.
Target cards improved
Target-cards on service provider dashboards are now more user friendly. Before, you were always redirected to the connectivity overview when you clicked on either of the KPI's. Now, clicking on disconnected brings you to the Disconnected Machine overview. Sites without registered users is not clickable anymore.
Clamp: rotary switch table
The rotary switch table shown when commissioning a Clamp has been improved. Specifically, the power values were converted to KW and an HP equivalent was added. You will find this in the first and second column.
- Service state fix
- SpecialCare flag is not activated
- Recommendations not showing when scope is Root
- GDC assignation (point 3B) is not coreect for machines
- Problem loading the machine details for certain machines
- General Shutdown Warning events not removed after shutdown
- Clear cache after modifying GDC overview
- Translations-of-translations cause resource key issues
- Energy KPI: Tz issues
- Diagnostic Maintenane - Cannot add new GDC
- Edited recommendations not shown as expected
- RH overview - difference not filled?
- Commissioning flow: Equipment number check taking into account non active users
- Not all organizations selected are shown
- SPM Trend graph: deselecting wrong one
- Register new user fails
- No translation possible for new Recommendation Originators
- Hide the contract info on the SMO Next Service widget when the service provider linked to the customer/site is controlled by ERP
- Order the service items on the site dashboard
- Email notification for recommendations: missing space character
- Machine Overview is not working
- Event export - review the query
- Diagnostics - Step 2 recurring events not recurring
- Sorting on Originator gives no results
- Assign event gives error message
- Resources table contains illegal resource keys