Can't find or add machine

If you can't find a certain machine in the system, follow this checklist:

Check 1

Are you in the right scope? Make sure that the site or customer you are currently in, is actually the site where the device should be located.

NOTE: Use the SEARCH FOR ANYTHING bar. This is independent of the scope. It can be used to search for specific sites or serial numbers.

Check 2

Go to Unassigned Maintenance and use the serial number to find out if the machine is unassigned.

NOTE: Don't know how to assign a device? Read this article.

Check 3

The unit may be assigned to another service provider. In order to check this, go to the site where you want to add the machine and try adding it by entering the serial number as per usual. If the unit is already assigned, SMARTLINK/ICONS will indicate whether the serial number is already assigned and to whom. Use this contact information to request the current service provider to release the machine (Assets > Click on the three dots > Unassign).

Check 4

It is possible that the device has been removed by accident. This occurs when a machine has been unassigned incorrectly or it was automatically removed based on the ERP status code (e.g., scrapped machines). Instead of simply unassigning, the machine then gets removed from the system and you have to recover it. If this is the case, please use this article to recover the device.

Check 5

If the first four checks did not help you find the machine, it is most probably caused by an issue related to the upload device. If the upload device is not connected, it cannot be shown on the connectivity platform. Check if there are any communication issues with the upload device.

Check 6

If the upload device is in fact communicating, contact us for support. We will look into the issue and try to resolve it as soon as possible.