When and how to create a Global Customer

When to create a Global Customer

Global Customers are created if an account is needed to follow up on different customer sites. For example, the HQ of an international company wishes to track the performance of 20 different plants across the globe with different service providers. Switching between all these accounts would be highly ineffective. Therefore, you can create a Global Customer that becomes the parent of all these child organizations (customers and sites). In this way, users on the Global Customer level can oversee all children with one account.

How to create a Global Customer

Step 1

Go to ADMIN on the menu on your left and click on ORGANIZATION MAINTENANCE.

Step 2

Go to the COMPANY ROOT level, click on the three dots, and select ADD GLOBAL CUSTOMER.

Step 3

Submit the company details. A name and service provider are required. If you are not sure who to select as a service provider, you could contact the account manager.

Step 4

Once you created the Global Customer, you can start adding child organizations. You can add new sites or existing customers. In the case of a new site, just click on ADD SITE.

However, when you want to add existing sites, you will have to go to the company details of those specific sites and change the parent to your new Global Customer. Typically, it can take a few seconds for the parent dropdown menu is available. Once it is no longer greyed out, you can select the New Global customer as the new parent.