User can't sign in

There are several reasons why users can experience trouble when trying to sign in. We listed a series of checks you can do in a logical order to resolve sign-in issues. You can also refer to this article that lists the most common sign-in issues.

Step 1: Does the user Exist in the system? 

Go to the user overview and search for the user. If the user self-registered, the status is either ConfirmEmail or ToVerify. If the user has already been verified, the user status is AccessGranted. In that case, go to check 4.

If you can't find the user in the user overview with one of the User Statuses mentioned above, it means that the user does not exist. You can either invite the user or instruct the user to self-register in order to sign in.

Step 2: Confirm Email

If User Status = ConfirmEmail: ask the user to check the confirmation mail in their inbox and follow the link to confirm their email address. Use this article.

NOTE: this is not something the admin can do. This is NOT the same as verifying a user account. If the user can't find a confirmation mail, tell them to check every inbox and folder (e.g SPAM)

Step 3: Verify User

If User Status = ToVerify: verify the user account. Use this article.

NOTE: do NOT click on 'make inactive' and then on 'make active'. This does not give the user access nor will it register the user. All it does is cause an error that only we can resolve. In other words, your customer has to wait longer while we are losing valuable time.

Step 4: Access Granted, but can't sign in

If User Status = AccessGranted: the user most likely skipped one of the final steps of the registration procedure. 

Step 5: If everything checks out... 

In case the first four checks do not resolve the issue, contact us via myQUEST. We will have to create an emergency account. More information about emergency accounts can be found here