Distributor license

Why a distributor license?

The need for connectivity is increasing and this trend is also experienced by our distributors. Therefore, we are taking connectivity to the next step and offer distributors the opportunities to open up our platform's full potential for a partnership price. 

Each connected machine is equipped with a SMARTLINK: Service or ICONS: RightTime license by default. However, the features and data are limited for external users. As a result, distributors are limited in monitoring their customer's equipment and analyzing trends. Moreover, default licenses do not enable distributors to take full advantage of our automated recommendations. A huge missed opportunity. 

The only way to benefit from all of the above, is by either selling paid licenses to end-customers or buying them yourself. Especially the latter is not an ideal solution for distributors because the same premium for customers remains applicable. 

What is a distributor license?

By introducing a distributor plan, every distributor can buy a license for a fraction of the usual price. Even better, for every active license bought by end-customers, distributors will get the same access. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether customers buy an Uptime or Energy license, we will always activate all Distributor License features without additional cost.


Distributor licenses are typically no less than ~60% of an Uptime net price (ICONS). For SMARTLINK, you can find the list price benchmarks in the overview below. Mind that special offerings like discounts are possible but should reflect your distributor segmentation strategy. For example, discounts depending on the tier or level of the distributor. We would also recommend volume discounts as an incentive for larger orders. Be cautious not to de-value the distributor license by offering too aggressive discounts.

How to order

Distributor licenses are activated per machine. For ICONS, use part number 1830 012505. For SMARTLINK, there are different part numbers depending on the type of machine.



List price benchmark


OIS>90 SL Distributor License

€           130.00 


OIS30-90 SL Distributor License

€           100.00 


OIS<30 SL Distributor License

€             70.00 


ZR/ZT>90 SL Distributor License

€           160.00 


ZR/ZT<90 SL Distributor License

€           100.00 


Turbo ZH SL Distributor License

€           160.00 


High Pres SL Distributor License

€           130.00 


Low Pres SL Distributor License

€           130.00 


Dryers SL Distributor License

€             70.00 


AQ SL Distributor License

€           100.00 

NOTEDo not forget to activate the license in DLP once you bought it. This does not apply to ACT customer centers.

Again, if the distributor sells any type of paid license, there is no need to order a distributor license anymore. The distributor can already use the platform to its full extend. Only order distributor licenses for machines without a paid license (i.e., SMARTLINK: Service or ICONS: RightTime).