Release v0.14

Date: 14/10/2018 11:00 AM

Main features deployed are:

  • Contact page map & email our office
  • Status bar: performance improvement (another one will be done soon which will speed up the trend graphs)
  • Scope selector: Sites not shown alone, always under a customer
  • Beta level added to health details
  • Trend graphs: title optional


New Features:

  1. Contact page - Email our [country] office
  2. Contact page - Map and details
  3. Improve notification group WHAT step for service users
  4. Performance: state bar data improvement - Phase 1A
  5. Service provider dashboard should be the same as the CC one
  6. Add firmware version to the machine panel
  7. Adjust Commission Flow - Set referenceModel from Elektronikon
  8. Investigate the custom retry mechanism of the Azure Functions
  9. Investigate the custom retry mechanism used in Azure Functions
  10. Scope selector change
  11. Health overviews. Add beta label
  12. Cache 2505 in ES-Redirector
  13. rework - don't allow to have a different service provider for customer/site
  14. Energy paramters: add 2 filter items: 1- parametertype ; 2 - referencetype
  15. Improvement. Make it optional, give default date/time if not inserted

Fixed bugs:

  1. Navigation trace is lost when seeing details of health overview
  2. Wrong counter when downloading Energy Efficiency Report
  3. Dry-Run ES Com file - Not the correct message when the xml files is missing equipment (Airnet in this case)
  4. Trying to OrderBy DefaultExpirationSec column (in Recommendation overview) gives internal error
  5. Number of messages on DLQ is high - MSC and F&P - Q
  6. For internal user not all machines are displayed / enabled in certain overviews
  7. ERP data conflicts, not filtering for inactive machines
  8. machine overview - RH filter not working
  9. not active organizations are shown in the selection widget
  10. CC Health overview; filter NOK
  11. Don't enable Energy Efficiency button in Reports if no machines can be selected.
  12. kw/100cfm conversion nok
  13. Energy overview - Bars not displayed when reporting period is Last 24 Hours
  14. user get from email after self-registration
  15. Can't find root level users in user maintenance
  16. site health, service state column NOK
  17. Service email, need in field NOK
  18. Email address is fixed in mail sent component
  19. Service overview- unknown service state
  20. SmartBoxCommands dont send RequestConnection property
  21. Trend graph doesn't always refresh Y axis when changing a measurement point
  22. Trend graph - Trend graph and status bar not in line (Data available although offline status)
  23. Test Recommendation repository (overview) - multiple issues
  24. Reports- missing machine (Damien98)
  25. Slider de-selects LicenseType and crashes page (MachineOverview)
  26. Cannot login in Q
  27. SMO - Zoomed trend graph is showing aggregated data (<24 hours)
  28. White screen 
  29. After navigating back from trendgraph page to trendgraph-overview, selecti[...]