What Does the User Status mean?

When going to the USER MAINTENANCE overview, you will notice different user statuses. These statuses have different meanings and either require admin action or not. See an overview below to help you understand more about the user status.

Confirm EmailThe user has registered, but the email has not been confirmed yet.The user has received a confirmation mail to the address they used during registration. They have to follow the instructions in the mail in order to confirm that the email address is valid. No admin action required.
InvitedThe user is invited to register.
The user has to follow the instructions in the invitation mail to register. Without completing these steps, entering the site is not possible.
To VerifyThe email address has been confirmed but it has not yet been verified that the user information is valid.The admin has to verify the user. For more information on user verification, read this article.
Access GrantedThe account has been verified by the admin. The user has access but has not signed in yet.The user has to sign in for the first time (using their company credentials). No admin action required.
ActiveThe user has signed in and can be considered an active user.No action required.
InactiveThe user is still in the database but the account has been deactivated.There is no real need for any action. If the user does not sign in for six consecutive months, the account will be erased entirely.