Machine location view

You can toggle a machines location view by clicking on the location pin icon on the top right of the page.

If you go to ASSETS on the menu, go to machines and click on the location pin icon you can see your machine’s location.

A map with numbers and circles

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Depending on what scope you have you will see the machines relevant to that scope.

NOTE: Location view is only available for service and sales organizations and sub groups.

If you click on your machines, you get a list of all machines in that area. By clicking details you will be redirected to the single machine overview.

A map of the world with red circles and numbers

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In Assets you can see your machine status and the number of machines you have.

A black background with white text

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If you go to MAINTENANCE on the menu, you will see another location pin. Here you will see the machines service status.

A screenshot of a computer screen

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If you go to TOOLS, you will see a location pin in unassigned machines. You will see your unassigned machine and their status.

You can change the background of the map by going to the top right of the map and selecting a style.