How to create a new customer and site

Step 1

Click on ADMIN in the left menu and go to ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW.


Step 2

You can use the search field and the filters to help you find the service provider.

NOTE: Depending on your selected scope, you will be able to see different organizations in this overview. For example, a user who has selected the AC Belgium scope will be able to see all the organizations below this entity. 


Step 3

In order to create a customer, you will need to decide under which service provider you would like to add the new customer. Within the same screen, go to the first column > Click on the three dots > select ADD CUSTOMER.

Step 4

Give the company a name and complete as many fields as possible (other settings can be added or changed later) > hit SAVE.

You will receive a confirmation that the save was successful.

NOTE: You can also change the parent in order to add the company as a child of a global customer. This is explained here

Step 5

Once the customer is successfully created, you can add a site below that customer > click on the three dots in the action column. 

Step 6

Then give the site a name and complete as many fields as possible (other settings can be added or changed later). Then click on save. 

You can add as many sites as you want below a customer. We recommend reproducing the real organization structure from your customers and keep it aligned with your ERP data.



Now that you have a site, you can easily assign machines from the unassigned maintenance overview or by adding machines from the site or machine overview.