How to Change the Parent of a Site

Currently, we do not allow changing the parent of a site. The reason behind this is its interdependence with other settings. Changing the parent of a site can affect other settings, like notification groups, without you realizing it. If you do wish to restructure your company, there is a workaround that is discussed in this article.

If you already have a new customer where you wish to assign the site and machines, you can skip the first 3 steps. 

Step 1

Make sure you are on the service provider level (for example, AC Belgium). Go to ORGANIZATION MAINTENANCE.


Step 2

Click on the three dots next to the Service Provider that should be the parent of the new customer. Select AddCustomer.

Step 3

Complete the fields and click on save. You can now repeat step 2, but for adding a new site to the customer.

Step 4

Unassign the machines from the site that needs a different parent. Once there are no machines assigned to this site, you can delete it

Step 5

Reassign the machines to the new site.

These articles give a more detailed explanation of the previous steps.

How to Create a New Customer and Site

How to (re)Assign Machines