How to Unassign Machines

Step 1

If you wish to unassign a device, unfold the submenu of MACHINES on your left and click on ALL MACHINES.

NOTEYou need to be at the SITE level scope in order to perform this action.


Step 2

The machine overview is set to CARD VIEW by default. Toggle LIST VIEW (top right of the overview) in order to proceed. 

Step 3

Find the machine you wish to unassign. Click on the three dots in the ACTIONS column (this is the first column) and select UNASSIGN.

Step 4

Once you have clicked on unassign a popup will appear

There are 2 different ways to unassign a machine. 

  1. Unassign machine and keep the machine history. Use this option in order to keep the machine history and assign the machine in another SITE without losing the machine history.
  2. Unassign machine and remove the machine history. Use this option in order to archive the machine. Machine history will be lost.