About the User Scope and how to use it

The user scope is an important feature of SMARTLINK because it determines the data that is available to you. It follows a hierarchical logic. Meaning, you can only see organizations and machines on and below your selected scope. During registration, users are assigned to an organization. This determines the maximum scope they will have access to.

For example: if you are on the root level, which is the highest possible level in SMARTLINK, you can see everything (all customer centers, customers, distributors, sites, and machines). 

On the other extreme, if the highest scope that you are assigned to is a customer site, all you can see are the machines that are assigned to this particular site. Other customers, sites, or machines cannot be found if you would search for it. However, if you are assigned to the scope of the customer, you are able to see all the sites that belong to this scope. 

You find the scope in the top right of your screen. If you wish to change it, just click on the scope. 


If you are checking out the company details of an organization within your scope, you will notice a button in the top right of this overview. The button SET SCOPE makes it easy to quickly switch to the scope of the company you are currently viewing.  

If you want to quickly search for machines, customers or sites outside your selected view (but within the highest scope you have access to), you can use the Search for Anything bar in the menu on your left. This search bar is independent of the selected scope and will search anywhere you have access to.  

The results are divided into two main blocks: machines and sites. If you click on a result below MACHINES, a detailed machine overview from that machine will be opened. Selecting a search result below SITES opens the dashboard. Both actions will change the user scope that corresponds to the site or machine.

NOTE: Only registered machines are shown in the search. If you wish to find unassigned machines, go to UNASSIGNED DEVICES. Find more info here.