What is an API?

As you already know, SMARTLINK/ICONS communicates with devices. For example, the platform asks a Smartbox for running hours and the Smartbox sends the requested data in return. Similarly, it communicates with other applications (e.g., service information from COPS). 

This task of asking and getting data is executed by what we call an Application Programming Interface (API). Usually, Smartlink requests and receives the data from other applications but - with an API - we can also deliver data. This will enable developers to integrate our connectivity data with external applications. A useful animated video explaining APIs can be found below:

Do we have an external API too?

Yes, we do but it is currently only available for use by Atlas Copco applications. In other words, we are not monetizing it yet.

Will we market our API?

As part of our connectivity strategy, we consider making the API available to our customers. This would mean that organizations can request specific parameters without having to use the platform. For example, some customers have already developed their own monitoring dashboard or are considering this. For obvious reasons, having to use our portal separately to get our sensor data is not ideal. It also means they would pay a premium for features they don't need while also having to get and combine our data manually.

This is just one use case where an API can be offered as an alternative. Although the benefits are clear, it also requires considerable effort to offer the API: proper preparation and training of admins, on-going technical support, and API management. It should be approached as a product in and of itself.

Is there any demand?

Yes. We have already received requests from existing customers and admins that spotted the opportunity. However, we need a more clear and solid business case before we can invest in marketing this new product. Therefore, please share with us all requests and insights drawn from the field so it is possible to device an effective go-to-market strategy. Any questions or information can be shared through myQUEST.