About User Roles and Permissions

Each user gets a role assigned when registering for the new platform. By default, users get the same role as the colleague who invites them. In the case of self-registration, the Quote Manager assigns the correct role during verification.

For every type of user, there is a role with the appropriate permissions. Permissions to perform certain administrative actions can be limited, depending on the goal of the role. See below for an overview of the roles and for which type of user it is intended.

Global diagnostic engineerThis role is meant for users in the global diagnostics centers. It gives access to the diagnostics dashboard page that is currently being built in Smartlink.
Local diagnostic engineerThis role can be granted to users in the customer center that also want to follow-up in real-time the events on (part of) their fleet. Dependent on their scope, they will get access to the diagnostics dashboard.
Internal Admin CC

This role is for the admins of Customer Centers (Quote Managers). Access to almost all actions.
Customer Center OperationsIntended for everyone in Customer Centers involved in operations and provides access to most admin actions

DistributorSpecifically for distributors. Gives access to administrative actions with a few exceptions.

PC Internal
Specifically for engineers working in product companies. Limited access to administrative actions concerning machines.

This role is specifically for customers. Access to administrative actions is very limited.

Internal Sales CC

Intended for members of the Customer Centers' internal sales team. Gives access to features needed to qualify leads.

Distributor Technician
Should be given to the distributor's technicians. Access to service information only.

TechnicianIntended for internal technicians

The permissions linked to every role can be found in the following overview:

Local diagnostic engineerGlobal diagnostic engineerInternal Admin CCCustomer Center OperationsDistributorPC InternalCustomerInternal Sales CCDistributor TechnicianSenior Technician
Manage users

Manage resources

Manage organizations (Add, edit, delete)

Add machine to site

Manage unassigned devices

Internal user


Manage Energy Parameters

Register Smartclamp

Manage fleet

Send all notifications

Can be assigned to a customer

Can manage SPM thresholds

Can see diagnostics

Running hours overview


The roles follow a hierarchical structure. As a result, you cannot give other users roles that are above your role or on the same level in the hierarchy. For example, an Internal Admin CC cannot assign the PC Internal role to another user nor can it assign the Global Admin role.