How to change translations of the platform

This option is only available with the role Internal Admin CC. More information about roles and permissions can be found here.

As an internal admin, you can change the translations of the text (every word or line in the website is called a resource) in the portal. These resources can be translated by the local admins and will impact all the users with the same language setting.

You can use the resource maintenance overview as follows:

Step 1

Go to the Admin > Resource Maintenance.

Step 2

Select the brand you wish to make the changes for and whether you want to see empty resource values only. Empty resource values are text in the portal that has not been translated yet. The default language - English - is used in this case. Once the filter is set, click on APPLY FILTER.

ATTENTION: It is not allowed to change the English translations.

Step 3

Find the resources you wish to change. If you only aim to change a specific piece of content (e.g., a misspelled word), you can use the search bar to look for that specific word. Once you tracked down the resources, you can enter the corrected text in the third column. For example:

When you are done, hit SAVE. The resources are now changed for all users within the same brand and with the same language settings.